A picture of the sun setting in the middle of the mountains

News & Resources

We believe in the power of information and inspiration to foster business growth and personal development. This section is a treasure trove of insights on everything from innovative business strategies to boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

Whether you’re looking for practical tips to enhance your professional journey or guidance to thrive personally, you’ll find valuable resources here.Have a topic suggestion or want to contribute your insights? We’re all ears! Drop us a line at [email protected] and join our community of changemakers. We welcome your ideas for topics too.

Change Your Mind

Change Your Mind

The 500 BCE Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.” These wise words have remained steadfast over the centuries, and today, there’s an accelerated pace of change that’s sometimes difficult to absorb.

Let’s Stop Blaming Others

Let’s Stop Blaming Others

Complaining about what’s wrong with a situation, person, or experience is a way of looking for someone to agree with us and our point of view.

Finding a Mentor Can Improve Your Business

Finding a Mentor Can Improve Your Business

Many of us can recall a teacher, coach, or other person who profoundly impacted our lives during our formative years.

When Someone Interrupts or Talks Too Much

When Someone Interrupts or Talks Too Much

Ever found yourself in a conversation where interruptions or lengthy monologues dominate the dialogue? We’ve all been there!

React or Respond – The Power of Emotional Intelligence

React or Respond – The Power of Emotional Intelligence

We don’t always react to stimuli in an effective way. Our reaction to meeting a mother bear and cubs on the trail can trigger deep instincts for survival.

The Apology

The Apology

It’s inevitable. We aren’t perfect; we make mistakes, forget things, and sometimes lose our tempers. And when that happens, it’s easy to dive deep into the abyss of regret, guilt, blaming, and justificatio

A Fun Way To Improve Your Business

A Fun Way To Improve Your Business

Running your own business is challenging. It’s a never-ending commitment that’s time-consuming and exhausting. It’s also a total blast.

A Leak in the Gutter

A Leak in the Gutter

Water is powerful. Necessary for life, it’s also one of nature’s most destructive forces. It can rage quickly in a storm, leaving chaos and significant damage, or slowly erode over time, ruining a landscape or structure beyond repair.

How to Have a Good Conversation

How to Have a Good Conversation

If you avoid conversations and would rather communicate by message or text, it’s time to reconsider that habit. A genuine conversation, whether by phone, online platform, or in person, is a powerful tool that benefits you and your business.