Our time is complex and full of issues. Whether it’s the resulting stress or frustration, the dark side of human nature is graying our lives. People rant, hurl accusations and blame and try to prove their way is the right way by bullying. Sensationalism has become the norm, to the point where some of the shock value is wearing off. In business, it’s a constant fight to stay on top, beat the competition by whatever means it takes, and expect the worst.

It’s exhausting.

Although seemingly a minority, there are leaders among us who take a different approach. They achieve great things by sticking to the facts, having a clear mission, refusing to spread rumours, ignoring fake news, and treating others with dignity and respect. They recognize working collaboratively is always more effective than being contentious. These leaders have self-awareness, listen more than talk, and work quietly and efficiently, refusing to be drawn into the fray. They make mistakes but learn from them and correct their course. And they achieve extraordinary results, inspire others, and leave a lasting positive impression.

If quiet leadership is a style you’d like to adopt, look into this idea. The concept isn’t a secret; we just don’t hear much about it over the din of the ongoing battle of egos and disregard for others. We’ve listed a few concepts to get you started and encourage you to do more research on this topic.  

If even one thing resonates with you, it’s worth exploring further. Join the quiet leadership club and leave the fracas behind.  

Ideas to explore

  • The best way to lose credibility is to create a difference between your words and your actions. Either you’re consistently honest and reliable or you’re making it up as you go along.
  • A quiet leader is confident and calm, listens thoughtfully, uses words well, and aligns actions to goals.
  • A quiet leader develops deep powers of observation and always engages their brain before speaking. They speak when they have something important to add and not just to hear the sound of their own voice.
  • You don’t need to be loud to be a leader; a strong presence is enough.
  • The purpose of leadership is to inspire others, not to insist you are right.
  • Quiet leaders take their time to reach a viewpoint rather than jump to conclusions. They listen, ask questions and seek out answers first.
  • Quiet leaders act decisively in emergencies, with calmness and deliberation grounded in being well-informed and by valuing the people around them. 

We dedicate this post to one of the quiet leaders of our lifetime. May She rest in peace.

“I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.”

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II